My Weekly Workout Routine


Hello loves! Happy Monday! This week is kinda a crazy one for me, I have a bunch of tests that I am not prepared for… at least yet. I’m planning on studying a lot these next three days, which is really hard for me when it’s so nice out. All I want to do is go outside and bask in the sun. On the bright side, the warmer weather means that I can workout more outside, which I did this weekend. I have been talking about sharing my weekly workout routine for awhile, so I am very excited to finally share it with you all. This is what I normally do each week, but of course you should cater your routine to your own needs and schedule. I hope this will inspire you to create a workout schedule of your own. I find that when I have a schedule, I am more consistent with getting to the gym. It can also be daunting to get to the gym and not know what to do or not have a focus and focus is key!

On days that I am doing strength training I warm up with 10-15 minutes on the treadmill or stair master, and try to stretch beforehand (hence the try, I need to be better about this). I also do not do the same exact exercises every time. I more or less choose from a bunch of exercises and machines that fit the muscles group I am working on and I am familiar with, but I am always looking for new exercises to incorporate into my ‘arsenal’ of exercises.

Monday – Leg day

I try to plan leg day on a day when I have the most time because legs are one of my main focuses and they take the longest. I always try to incorporate some variation of squats and leg press on leg day. I also try to end my workout with some kind of burnout, like doing as many lunges as I can or box jumps.

Tuesday – Cardio and Abs

My cardio usually consists of the stair stepper or treadmill on an incline for 30 minutes to an hour. I end with 10-15 of abs. I have a few go to ab circuits that I can share with you guys later.

Wednesday – Triceps and Shoulders

As with legs I pick out a few triceps and shoulders exercises (3-4 exercises for each, for 4 sets of 10 reps), making sure to incorporate free weights and machines.

Thursday – Cardio and Abs

Same as Tuesday

Friday – Biceps and Back

3-4 exercises for both back and biceps, for 4 sets of 10 reps.

Saturday – Free day!

On Saturdays I really try and get outside and do something fun like hiking or a bike ride! If I can’t do that or the weather is bad I may just go to the gym and hit something that I feel I didn’t do good enough during the week.

Sunday – Rest day or Yoga

I love doing yoga and it gets me so relaxed and focused for the week ahead. Sundays are also homework days for me, so if I have a lot of homework, I just take a rest day.

As you can see, my workout routine is not so much a routine, but rather a plan. It is good to mix things up and surprise your body with different things. It is also essential to set goals and prioritize whats most important to you. For me, cardio, abs and legs are most important, so I focus on these groups and make sure to carve out extra time for them. It is my philosophy that if I set aside time at the beginning of the week and plan each workout, I am less likely to miss a workout. If you guys are interested in specific exercises I do on each day let me know!

Striped Jacket

Scalloped Sports Bra

Scalloped Leggings





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